August Newsletter: How to Introduce Your Cat to Your Dog

Dog and cat cuddle together on a blanket.

How to Introduce Your Cat to Your Dog

Wondering how your dog will react to your new cat? Although many dogs and cats enjoy each other's company, it may take a while for your pets to feel comfortable together. Following these steps will help smooth the introduction process for both of your furry friends.

Provide Separate Quarters

Imagine if you walked into your home one day and were informed that a stranger would now be living with you. You'd probably feel confused, suspicious, or angry about the new addition. That's exactly how your pets feel when you bring home a new animal.

It's not a good idea to immediately introduce your cat to your dog face to face. A gradual get-to-know-you process makes it easier for both pets to adjust. Keeping your dog and cat in separate rooms or parts of your home is a good idea for the first few days.

Make sure the spaces include doors that close securely. Although the pets can't see each other, they'll be aware of each other's presence and scents, which will help facilitate the introduction process.

Arrange a Smell Exchange

Dogs and cats use their sense of smell to help them navigate the world. Scents help animals establish territory and identify other animals. Exchanging scents offers a simple way to familiarize your dog and cat with each other.

Allow your dog to sniff your cat's bedding or a washcloth that you've rubbed over your cat's body. Repeat the process and offer items with your dog's scent for your cat's inspection. Take American Humane's advice and rotate the spaces occasionally.

Make the Introduction

Once your pets recognize each other's scents, it's time for them to meet face-to-face. Put your cat and dog on leashes or harnesses during this meeting. Keep them on either side of a barrier, like a pet gate or screen door. If either pet becomes aggressive, you'll be able to quickly separate them.

If your pets seem comfortable with the first interaction, proceed to the next step later in the day. This time, introduce the pets without any barriers but keep them on leashes or harnesses, while you focus your attention on your dog. This allows the animals to observe each other without triggering aggression. If your dog and cat react calmly, reward them with treats.

Make this introduction low-key by asking a friend or family member to play with your cat. Allow ample time for meet-and-greets in the next few days. During the introduction process, make sure your cat has a safe place it can retreat to, such as a cat condo, the top of a bookcase or another high spot, if needed.

Look for Signs of Trouble

Stiffening bodies, growling or hissing, flattened ears, swishing tails, or dilated pupils can mean that your pet feels threatened and might react aggressively. In cats, puffed-up fur is a clear sign that it's time to withdraw and try again another time.

A negative reaction doesn't mean your dog and cat can't coexist. Remember, the adjustment process takes time. One bad experience doesn't mean every meeting between the two pets will be tense. As the pets spend more time together, they'll learn to tolerate each other's presence and might eventually become best friends.

Bring the Pets Together

Once your dog and cat are comfortable spending time together in the same room, let them sniff each other. Although they'll recognize each other's scents by now, sniffing offers additional information that your pets needs to feel comfortable.

When you reach this phase, you can gradually increase the length of time that your cat and dog spend together. Remove the leash and harness when they no longer show any signs of fear or aggression.

After you remove the leash and harness, leave the room occasionally and see how your pets react when they're left alone. PetMD suggests remaining in earshot in case of trouble.

Contact an Expert

Most dogs and cats become accustomed to each other in a few days or weeks. If your pets still aren't getting along after a few weeks, call your veterinarian. He or she can make some suggestions or put you in touch with a behavioral specialist who can work with you and your pets.

Adding a new pet to your home? Contact us to schedule an appointment for your furry friend.


American Humane: Introducing Dogs to Cats

PetMD: How To Introduce a Cat to a Dog, 10/3/2023

Newsweek:7 Mistakes to Avoid When Introducing Cats and Dogs, 9/26/2021


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